Matthew 26:51-75This passage is about human nature. Within hours of Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the people did a 180. And one of his best friends, Peter, denied him three times, withRead More…
Matthew 20:17-34 If you’re an American, you’ve seen the red MAGA caps. You might even have one. Make America Great Again. So what is greatness? In this passage, the mother of theRead More…
Misdeed Management
Matthew 18:15-35Misdeed Management Everybody screws up. For our own screw-ups, Jesus said to ask for forgiveness. No more Old Testament bird sacrifices and such. No more carrying around those 10,000 pound gorillasRead More…
Mountaintop Experiences; Valley Lessons
Matthew 17 Jesus took his buddies Peter, James, and John to the top of a mountain where he was changed to an exalted state. Two Old Testament greats showed up, and aRead More…
A Memorable Excursion
I had an experience a couple of days ago I just have to tell you about. (Next week we’ll pick back up with excerpts from The Journey, my soon-to-be-released book.) So…my friend,Read More…
Those Pharisees!
Last week, I started blogging again. For the next few Thursdays, I’ll be posting snippets from my new book, “The Journey: A Traveling Companion Through the New Testament.” Today’s is based onRead More…
Golden Rules
Well, after a blogging hiatus of a few months, I’m back. I took a break to finish my book, The Journey: A Traveling Companion Through the New Testament. It’s now being printed!Read More…
Eagle Song
“Those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.”Read More…
If Jesus were to pop back onto the planet for an hour, where would he show up and why?
I started to pose this question as my blog post today, but I realized if I got a “Pharisee” response I might get mad and I’m just not in the mood. (TheRead More…
Quote #1– “Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch,Read More…