The Improbable Dream
I have this persistent idealistic dream, but it’s probably not going to come to pass. It’s pretty utopian, having to do with the sensible, selfless, compassionate and true. Tragically, however, the numbersRead More…
I have this persistent idealistic dream, but it’s probably not going to come to pass. It’s pretty utopian, having to do with the sensible, selfless, compassionate and true. Tragically, however, the numbersRead More…
We’ve been watching a Netflix series that has a character I adore. She’s the truthteller. She says what everyone is thinking…but is the only one with enough courage to say it. She’sRead More…
I started to call this little essay “Embracing the Future” but that sounds kind of boring. Besides, I don’t want to just embrace it. I want to hug it. I want toRead More…
I’m a late bloomer…like a chrysanthemum. I seem to figure things out later than other people do…or maybe I never figure them out at all. When it comes to figuring God out,Read More…
There’s a fascinating narrative in John chapter ten. Jesus was teaching some people using a sheep/shepherd analogy. Verse 27 says this: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and theyRead More…
Do you ever wonder if you see the way others see? I mean, is the color orange that I see the same as what you see? How about “seeing” life? As theRead More…
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been thinking about Philippians 3:14. “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on…” And then in about a thousand ways,Read More…
Right now, we have choices. Choice #1 – To choose truth over lies. Historically, large numbers of people have trusted intentional liars. I’m not talking about occasional liars or those who makeRead More…
“There once was a year named TwentyWith illness and strife a-plentyWe tried to stay saneBut it was our baneA horrible year for so many. May Twenty-One come like a doveBringing peace, joyRead More…
Sacred infant, all divine,What a tender love was thine,Thus to come from highest blissDown to such a world as this. I think the core message of Christmas is the Christ Child’s unconditionalRead More…