I’ve just started writing another book. It’s a daily devotional on the New Testament, to add to the glut in the market! (Let the eye-rolling begin.) But it’s not your run-of-the-mill devotional.Read More…
A Pocketful of Songs
Need comfort? Inspiration? Answers? Sometimes a song helps. Click here. A Pocketful of Songs
It Happened Again
Yesterday, it happened again. Another mass shooting. And as always, we’re filled with “shoulds.” Our legislators SHOULD step up. The Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 expired in 2004. Attempts to renewRead More…
Knots & Blobs
Last week as part of my “selah” (break), I went to a writing group session. It’s ironic that my one-week break from writing meant more writing. Ha! Anyway, I love gathering aroundRead More…
Taking a “Selah”
The word “selah” appears 74 times in the Bible, mostly in the Psalms. It’s likely an instruction to take a break in the singing (because the Psalms were meant to be sung).Read More…
The Cutlery of Life
Writers can find analogies in just about anything! Cutlery, for example, but I want to save fork analogies for another day. Have you heard of the Spoon Theory? It was created byRead More…
Bearing Fruit — Self-Control
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law” (Galatians 5:22–23). Genghis Khan’s view of leadership started withRead More…
I Can’t Wait to Have Patience!
That’s the first line of a children’s song my kiddos used to listen to in the car. (Remember those children’s cassette tapes and the way you had to rewind them with aRead More…
The Mirror
I look in the mirror…because I do that every day. I look a bit older. (Pooh!) I’m wiser. I’ve learned a few things along the way. All in all, I’m pretty darnRead More…
Looking for Sprouts
It’s interesting that New Year’s Day is smack dab in the coldest, darkest part of winter. Yet New Year’s Eve is coming, and we’re sniffing the air for newness and fresh starts.Read More…