Excerpted from “The Journey” on Matthew 2 Christmas is coming. You’ve sung the carols, given the gifts, decorated the Christmas trees (although there are no evergreens in Bethlehem, alas), but anyway, it’sRead More…
Years ago, I took a six-week backpacking trip through Europe. It was glorious—so worth the blisters and weariness and surprises. We camped a lot since we went on the cheap, so myRead More…
Perfect Moments
Right now, I’m curled up with my laptop on my son and daughter-in-law’s couch. Four feet away, my little grandson snoozes peacefully in his cute little bassinet. Vegetable curry is simmering onRead More…
The Best News Ever
Matthew 27:1-26 The Best News Ever The Apostles’ Creed starts like this: “I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of theRead More…
Crowd Mentality
Matthew 26:51-75This passage is about human nature. Within hours of Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the people did a 180. And one of his best friends, Peter, denied him three times, withRead More…
Matthew 20:17-34 If you’re an American, you’ve seen the red MAGA caps. You might even have one. Make America Great Again. So what is greatness? In this passage, the mother of theRead More…
Misdeed Management
Matthew 18:15-35Misdeed Management Everybody screws up. For our own screw-ups, Jesus said to ask for forgiveness. No more Old Testament bird sacrifices and such. No more carrying around those 10,000 pound gorillasRead More…
Mountaintop Experiences; Valley Lessons
Matthew 17 Jesus took his buddies Peter, James, and John to the top of a mountain where he was changed to an exalted state. Two Old Testament greats showed up, and aRead More…
A Memorable Excursion
I had an experience a couple of days ago I just have to tell you about. (Next week we’ll pick back up with excerpts from The Journey, my soon-to-be-released book.) So…my friend,Read More…
Those Pharisees!
Last week, I started blogging again. For the next few Thursdays, I’ll be posting snippets from my new book, “The Journey: A Traveling Companion Through the New Testament.” Today’s is based onRead More…