I’ve been thinking about groupthink lately. I believe it characterizes our society. It’s not to be confused with community thinking. “Community” implies the embracing of differences. Groupthink is “a psychological phenomenon thatRead More…
Real Life
“Becoming Real doesn’t happen all at once,’ said the Skin Horse. ‘You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharpRead More…
I have a birthday coming up, but I don’t like the word “aging.” It seems so…old. I prefer the word “transcending.” Yeah, that’s much better. Aging screams decrease in vitality, regrets, wrinkles.TranscendingRead More…
I’ve been thinking about the five institutions of society lately. (I know. I can be annoyingly ponderous.) Well, anyway, to recap Sociology 101, the five are Family, the Economy, Education, Religion andRead More…
Buying a Minute
I’ve been thinking about grace lately, the kind that can be bestowed on others for “regeneration and sanctification.” It’s the opposite of retaliation. Such lovely concepts. But do we Americans live inRead More…
Once, when I was little, I asked my mom about the “n” word. She told me, in no uncertain terms, that that word was never to be used, because it hurt people.Read More…
A number of things happened on the night before Jesus’s crucifixion, which we now call Maundy Thursday. Jesus and his friends celebrated the Passover meal. He washed their feet. He gave themRead More…
Today, I had planned to muse on Genesis 1:27 which says that God created mankind in his own image. Not just some of mankind. All of mankind. It was really uplifting. HereRead More…
My college piano professor taught me a little secret–how to rest. Playing Chopin’s “Revolutionary Etude” is killer hard, so you have to observe these little notations in the score, interestingly enough, calledRead More…
The Immense Danger of Capital Letters
There are plenty of people who don’t like the Black Lives Matter movement, but I want to ask this. Do black lives matter to you? There are plenty of people who don’tRead More…