I’ve seen a glimmer of hope. Whole swaths of Christians are reading Gentle and Lowly, a book about the true character of Jesus. Author Dane Ortlund writes, “The posture most natural toRead More…
Winston Churchill once said, “All the great things are simple and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” This year, I want to focus onRead More…
In the words of Nadia Bolz-Weber, “I hope you hear a divine “yes” this season. In other words, may your soul feel its worth.” Blessings to all…
“Barrington Bunny” from The Way of the Wolf by Martin Bell
Once upon a time in a large forest there lived a very furry bunny. He had one lop ear, a tiny black nose, and unusually shiny eyes. His name was Barrington. BarringtonRead More…
The Wexford Carol (Again)
I’ve decided to reprise a post from last December for today’s essay. It’s about one of my favorite Christmas songs—the Wexford Carol. I love this line about baby Jesus. “He came onRead More…
Will the Real God Please Stand Up?
Remember the TV show “To Tell the Truth?” One truthteller and two imposters told their stories and a celebrity panel had to guess which one was the real deal. At the end,Read More…
This is one of those sappy Reader’s Digest Thanksgiving stories, but it’s lovely in its simplicity. “When Mrs. Klein told her first graders to draw a picture of something for which theyRead More…
Leaving the Ugly Behind
My evangelical heritage taught me “Amazing Grace,” but I hung on to the “wretch like me” part way too long. I think the institution of evangelicalism has a timing problem. Too muchRead More…
Some Things Never Change
I grew up pretty much a regular kid, thinking of my world as ordinary, rational, dependable. Bizarre thinking seemed rare, but it existed. Some people thought the 1969 moon landing was stagedRead More…
The Beetle
I’m going through an interesting period. It’s an autumnal period, appropriately enough. Some old, wrong beliefs are dying, which is great, but I feel restless. I want to see little green shootsRead More…