Looking for Sprouts
It’s interesting that New Year’s Day is smack dab in the coldest, darkest part of winter. Yet New Year’s Eve is coming, and we’re sniffing the air for newness and fresh starts.Read More…
It’s interesting that New Year’s Day is smack dab in the coldest, darkest part of winter. Yet New Year’s Eve is coming, and we’re sniffing the air for newness and fresh starts.Read More…
I love the story of Barrington Bunny.* It’s a Christmas story. It’s a children’s story. And it just might change your life in some way. Here’s an audible version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mq4HPVHX7TI Here’s theRead More…
Can a Phone App Help You Treasure Your Time? By Debi Simons (guest blogger) Note from Debbie (Johnson): For some, time flies. For others, it drags. My friend, Debi Simon, talks aboutRead More…
A “GOOD BOOK” REVIEW I’ve been thinking about book reviews a lot. I’ve been writing them. I’ve been receiving them. So writing one on The Bible seemed like an interesting project, butRead More…
AN UPSIDE OF FEAR by Peggy Robinson (guest blogger) Have you ever thought that fear—real “scared to your toes” fear could create faith and strength? We often avoid things we fear. OfRead More…
One of the delights of my career with the Dalit Freedom Network was driving our Indian leaders to speaking engagements around the US. (The Dalit Freedom Network raises awareness and funds forRead More…
This fall, our little family ventured out, on the hunt, to find pumpkins. Since we have a 5 year old, this is an important occasion. Her pumpkin had to be “HUMONGOUS.” WeRead More…
I understand that the phrase “sending thoughts and prayers” isn’t enough if it’s just a platitude. However, I don’t know about you, but I get clarity through prayer…and I believe prayer hasRead More…
Note from Debbie: As you’ve probably noticed, I don’t normally blog about the “lite” side of life. What is the lite side of life, anyway? Hmmm. Well, once I master it, I’llRead More…
Sometimes my brain hurts from trying to make sense of things in our country and our world. So this week, let’s just listen to what God said in Isaiah 58:6-12 (The Message).Read More…