Some of the people I love most in the world are suffering terribly right now. Terribly. And don’t get me started on the dismal condition of our country. If I were toRead More…
Some of the people I love most in the world are suffering terribly right now. Terribly. And don’t get me started on the dismal condition of our country. If I were toRead More…
I’ve been called codependent. OK, let’s face it. I’ve BEEN codependent, that is, until I figured out what it is. It’s taking on responsibility that doesn’t belong to you. The book, LoveRead More…
ENCOURAGEMENT Last week I mused on the word “laughter.” What a concept indeed. World War Three practically erupted the next day. Thank God (literally) that things have simmered down for now. Today’sRead More…
Here’s the beginning of Maya Angelou’s poem, “Continue.” “My wish for you is that you continue Continue To be who and how you are To astonish a mean world With yourRead More…
May you be blessed.
Today’s blog post is brief. In the midst of all the blessings in my life, I’ve had some discouragement this week. Can you relate? Fortunately, all we need is faith the sizeRead More…
Excerpted from “The Journey” on Matthew 2 Christmas is coming. You’ve sung the carols, given the gifts, decorated the Christmas trees (although there are no evergreens in Bethlehem, alas), but anyway, it’sRead More…
Years ago, I took a six-week backpacking trip through Europe. It was glorious—so worth the blisters and weariness and surprises. We camped a lot since we went on the cheap, so myRead More…
Right now, I’m curled up with my laptop on my son and daughter-in-law’s couch. Four feet away, my little grandson snoozes peacefully in his cute little bassinet. Vegetable curry is simmering onRead More…
Matthew 27:1-26 The Best News Ever The Apostles’ Creed starts like this: “I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of theRead More…