I’ve just downloaded Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship. I’ve heard it’s a tough read, as the title implies. Being a Christian isn’t comfortable, nor is it safe (depending on yourRead More…
I’ve just downloaded Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book, The Cost of Discipleship. I’ve heard it’s a tough read, as the title implies. Being a Christian isn’t comfortable, nor is it safe (depending on yourRead More…
The virus.The racism.The election. Quite a trifecta of negativity. Such an energy suck. Take scrutinizing George Floyd’s martyr credentials, for example. Why not just let black lives matter? Or theorizing ad nauseumRead More…
I’m reading through a manuscript right now. It’s the biography of a brave soul (and friend) named Raj, a Dalit in India. The Dalits were formerly called the Untouchables. Not too manyRead More…
“If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his pointRead More…
I think about the Pharisees a lot. (I know. I’m weird, but stay with me. This gets relevant.) The Pharisees of biblical days viewed life through a “letter of the law” lens.Read More…
The other day I heard this cover of Michael Jackson’s “Heal the World.” It’s pretty. Take a listen. Remember the lyrics? “Heal the worldMake it a better placeFor you and for meAndRead More…
Well, my post from last week wasn’t very popular. It was about evaluating our echo chambers because “we are what we eat.” We’re defined by what we consume, news-wise. But maybe IRead More…
Shane Claiborne tells the story of going to India to hang out with Mother Teresa and the Sisters. They took communion every morning. When he asked one of the Sisters why soRead More…
Earlier this morning I was sitting at my desk listening to today’s stock market report. Not having fun. Last night, I read a newspaper calling Covid-19 the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus.Read More…
I don’t know about you, but this whole COVID thing has brought me some unexpected clarity. Stillness does that, I believe. The great mystics of the faith were on to something withRead More…