AN UNLIKELY BALM I’ve been trying really, really hard to find joy these days. I take care of my soul. I take care of others. You know, all the right things. AndRead More…
AN UNLIKELY BALM I’ve been trying really, really hard to find joy these days. I take care of my soul. I take care of others. You know, all the right things. AndRead More…
During the early years of DenverWorks, our staff started a cool practice. When one of our clients would get a job, someone on staff would ring a bell. We’d all jump upRead More…
Recently, I missed a point. A lady was talking about not wanting to wear a mask, so I assumed SHE was missing the point. I sort of made a comment, but asRead More…
(Note: I sound like an old school politician in this post, but man, we need to reclaim (or re-create) our vision for our country. No time like the present to do so.)Read More…
“The mountains are calling and I must go.” (If you’re from Colorado, you understand.) Anyway, they’ve been calling my name, so two mornings ago, I got up and decided to obey. ItRead More…
Jesus was always getting into good trouble. He drove the moneychangers out of the temple, overturning their tables and being generally ticked off. Another time, he healed a guy’s hand on theRead More…
Apparently a full two-thirds of us are part of the Exhausted Majority. The polar extremes are in single digits percentage-wise, even though their voices seem louder than that. A well-known politicalRead More…
Have you read James Clear’s article called “Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds”? It’s pertinent. It starts out quoting economist JK Galbraith. “Faced with a choice between changing one’s mind and provingRead More…
My grandkids have been here. Talk about joy! We didn’t quite make it to mud pie-building, but we did a lot of other fun stuff. (By the way, the Mandalori-annes edged outRead More…
MAKING MUD PIES When I was a little kid, we had a patch of mud in our back yard. My best friend, Olivia, and I made mud pies there. (Have you everRead More…