pexels-photo-192555 woman praying

Another confession. I don’t want you to think of me as Debbie Downer. My blogs have been a bit…heavy. But hang on! Next week’s blog invites all of us to celebrate the International Day of Happiness, which is March 20. Yippee!!!  

I’m guessing, however, your life is a lot like mine—a combination of laughs and sorrow and everything in between. Today I take my topic from today’s entry in my book, which is…heavy. Heavy, but hopeful, because of the real-ness of prayer. Here goes…

A while back, the Islamic State beheaded children from a Christian minority group. For some things, there are no words. We just have to drop everything and drop to our knees, carrying the little crushed bodies in our hearts, carrying the crushed parents, weeping with those who weep.

Mary, mother of Jesus, was depicted in the musical drama “Celebrate Life” singing about her son as they disengaged his hands and feet from the nails and carried him to the tomb. “Carry him gently, my baby. Carry him gently, my child. Carry him far from suffering. Let him rest for a while. His work…his work…is done.” For some things 

My friend, Sunny, wrote this. “Last night I found it hard to sleep; I was enraged at the atrocities happening in Iraq and Syria. Then the still small voice came. “God alone can change the hearts of these men and women. This does not have to be won by strategies of man. It can be won from the heavenlies.” For some things

For some things, there are no words…except…there ARE words. We can carry them to God, and God can transform our feeble carryings into miracles.

Whether it’s about refugees fleeing horror or friends who have been crushed in life, carry them to God. We can’t fix some things. We can pray. “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” James 5: 16b

Much. A lot. To a great extent. Do we really believe our prayers can impact our hurting world and our crushed friends and families? Shall we try prayer?
Some things beg for it, because MUCH is needed.


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