I just read a great article by Georgetown professor, Paul D. Miller, in “Dispatch Faith,” August 18, 2024. He asked, “Can’t we vote our values?” Here are some of his thoughts, plus some ofRead More…
A Fine Balance
In John 21, Jesus asked Peter if he loved him, not once, not twice, but three times. Peter said yes each time…and Jesus’s response was the same each time. “Feed my sheep.” Read More…
The Republican Party began as a coalition. It came together to stand against an oligarchy intent on overcoming democracy. In the mid-1850’s, SC senator James Henry Hammond (an enslaver) said this. “IRead More…
Adjusting the Binoculars
ADJUSTING THE BINOCULARS Sometimes we take such a short view. We think current events are…current, but it seems we’re watching history repeat itself. What we’re seeing in our country right now occursRead More…
Live Well
The book of Ecclesiastes has always mystified me. If all is vanity, why even try? Ecc. 1:9 stopped me in my tracks the other day. “What has been will be again; whatRead More…
A Lot to Remember
A LOT TO REMEMBER The world is a mess. “Tis all in pieces, all coherence gone.” John Donne in 1611 Could have been written in 2024. From last weekend’s shooting at aRead More…
Looking Ahead
Well, I did it again. I riled up some folks with last week’s post. I quoted Michelle Obama. “When they go low, we go high.” I should have paraphrased it to read,Read More…
Higher Power
We’re a stunned nation. We’re embarrassed. Too many of us are vomit-in-the-toilet troubled. Maybe this isn’t true in your community, but there are almost zero candidate bumper stickers around here, for eitherRead More…
The Tale of Two Bloggers
THE TALE OF TWO BLOGGERS A few mornings ago, I read two dramatically different blog posts. One was by a woman who moved into a gang-infested neighborhood. She’s constantly asked, “Aren’t youRead More…
The Good Life
I just had a milestone birthday and it makes me happy. I decided several milestones ago that I’d just be the best (insert whatever age) this world had ever seen! (It’s aRead More…