There’s this thing called “The Decalogue for a Spirituality of Nonviolence,” written by two Franciscan peacemakers. Here are the last three points of the decalogue. “To be ready to suffer, perhapsRead More…
A Different Way of Hearing
What if we all discovered that we only hear half the truth? Wouldn’t that be bizarre? How could we make decisions? How could we know what is real? I think we’ve officiallyRead More…
Sometimes I can’t see the forest for the trees, but sometimes I can’t see the trees for the forest. There are various ways of seeing things like trees. I’m not talking aboutRead More…
My “fragile ego radar” wasn’t well-developed as a child. I’d be around a mean person and mistake them for a strong person. If I did 99 things right but they pointed outRead More…
Taking a Walk
Here’s Micah 6:8 in first person, as if God himself were saying it. “I’ve shown you, O mortal (O Debbie), what is good. And what do I require of you? To actRead More…
Celebrating Anyway
I’ve been puzzling over what to write this week. It usually comes to me with clarity. I’m in a space of holding a whole assortment of feelings. Can you relate? On oneRead More…
The Queen…and Dots
“None of us will be in an equivalent position (to Queen Elizabeth), but each of us will be far more defined by who we are rather than where we stand. There areRead More…
God: Counselor
So much about God is counterintuitive. He tells us to turn the other cheek when we’re wronged. (That’s a tough one.) He tells us to look to the interests of others, notRead More…
Change in the Air
Although there’s a hint of fall in the air (which I love), I’m not talking about that kind of change. I’m talking about the kind that happens every few hundred years. (ThisRead More…
People might look at my life and say, “She’s got nothing to complain about.” They might look at your life the same way. Or on the flip side, a lot of peopleRead More…