Still Learning After All These Years
The president of my university says this. “The most effective people are learners rather than knowers. Knowers, assuming they have arrived, draw only on what they have learned. Learners, on the otherRead More…
The president of my university says this. “The most effective people are learners rather than knowers. Knowers, assuming they have arrived, draw only on what they have learned. Learners, on the otherRead More…
Sometimes I don’t know how to be. There’s the honesty of hurting, the optimism of hoping. the acceptance of reality, the holiness of questioning, the freedom of laughter, the choice of trusting.Read More…
The Proverbs are for “gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair…”(Prov. 1:2-3) We should be prettyRead More…
I love this by Father Richard Rohr. “Our task is to find the good, the true, and the beautiful in everything—even, and most especially, in the problematic. The bad is never strongRead More…
It seems most of us were raised with a right/wrong lens. Let’s call it the “sin” lens. It’s the way we see the world. But I think there are a couple ofRead More…
Definition: Having become conscious or aware of something. Roused from sleep. Remember that Robert DeNiro/Robin Williams movie, “Awakenings,” where the DeNiro character awakens from his catatonic state through a certain medication? IRead More…
This morning I read a headline and asked myself if it was even true. When did I get so skeptical? It wasn’t even political! But with A.I. and deep fakes and theRead More…
I’ve been musing on a more contemplative way of living. My outer world swirls…a lot. Some of it is painful. If I were to give into it, I’d be sucked into theRead More…
“Gallup polling last month found that a record 49% of Americans see themselves as politically independent—the same as the two major parties put together.” Apparently, the two parties are seen as ineffectualRead More…
I’m in a Facebook group started by a doctor friend in Africa. She doesn’t spare us. She sends pictures of patients with facial deformities, advanced cancers, the worst medical afflictions possible. ItRead More…