Regarding the spiritual and political state of our country, I’ve come to this conclusion. It’s pretty simple really, as most decisive things are. I just don’t want to lose my country. Or myRead More…
Regarding the spiritual and political state of our country, I’ve come to this conclusion. It’s pretty simple really, as most decisive things are. I just don’t want to lose my country. Or myRead More…
Recently, I was with an acquaintance who was busy scrolling and suddenly looked up and told me that a certain (non-political) thing had just happened. My phone was handy, so I checkedRead More…
My last few “Thursday Thoughts” posts have been more pointed than usual. I didn’t even post a link to them on social media. I’ve questioned myself as to why. Fear of rejection? No. I’mRead More…
“After we fast, I will go to the king. I know it is against the law to go to the king if he didn’t call me, but I will do it anyway.Read More…
This post is VERY political, but these are sobering realities. We need to make sure we’re ready in advance of the election, because… …if Trump is correct, there will be blood. (MoreRead More…
Did you know that meanness is contagious? I just read an article with that title by Kathleen Kelley Reardon, Professor Emerita at the USC Marshall School of Business. It really struck me,Read More…
One of actor Michael Caine’s go-to phrases is “use the difficulty.” To me, this says to go beyond making lemonade out of lemons, which seems like it should be said with aRead More…
I just read a great article by Georgetown professor, Paul D. Miller, in “Dispatch Faith,” August 18, 2024. He asked, “Can’t we vote our values?” Here are some of his thoughts, plus some ofRead More…
In John 21, Jesus asked Peter if he loved him, not once, not twice, but three times. Peter said yes each time…and Jesus’s response was the same each time. “Feed my sheep.” Read More…
The Republican Party began as a coalition. It came together to stand against an oligarchy intent on overcoming democracy. In the mid-1850’s, SC senator James Henry Hammond (an enslaver) said this. “IRead More…