I still believe in truth. Call me old-fashioned. Out of touch. More interested in…wait for it…facts.
Here are a couple of examples, with conservative or factual citations.
The 2020 election wasn’t stolen according to the courts.
Of the 60 lawsuits on this issue filed by the campaign for incumbent President Trump and his supporters, 14 were dropped, 33 were dismissed (due to lack of credible evidence), 5 were ruled against, and 1 was ruled for (and it had no effect on the results). Seven are still pending. For a listing of all 2020 election cases, see
Voter eligibility.
Non-citizens, including permanent legal residents, cannot vote in federal and state elections.
However, that’s not to say that voter fraud never happens. The Associated Press looked for 2020 voter fraud in six battleground states and found 475 possible cases, many involving Trump voters. (AP News, Dec. 14, 2021) And the Heritage Foundation has found 1,561 cases of voter fraud since 1982. Their website says that their database is a sampling of proven instances of voter fraud, but (and I quote) “the big problem is that nobody really knows the extent of election fraud, including us.” The number they have found stands at 1,561 over a forty-two year period.
www.heritage.org / election fraud database
Every propaganda technique in the book is being used on a massive scale. They’re built on a foundation of sand. (Okay, use of the word “sand” was my opinion.) But google propaganda techniques and form your own opinions.
I think our country could benefit by a return to some old-fashioned values, like this idea from Thomas Jefferson. “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”