My last few “Thursday Thoughts” posts have been more pointed than usual. I didn’t even post a link to them on social media. I’ve questioned myself as to why. Fear of rejection? No. I’m already rejected by many. Weakness? No. The posts are on my website for the world to see. Just not necessary? That’s probably it, at least for now. Emotions are too raw. Minds are made up. I’ve written what I feel I was supposed to write, so now it’s time to watch, wait, and soar.
Soar? (Stay tuned.)
I write for two reasons. 1. My own clarity. 2. To speak about God from the sacred place where he speaks to me. I rarely use evangelical buzz language. I don’t even fit in that space anymore. But my out-of-the-box words ring true to skeptics, outliers, a good number of friends, and interestingly, pastors. Writing helps me, so I’ll keep writing.
But in the meantime, with wars and rumors of war as well as strife within our own country, I’m finding strength in the waiting. Not the waiting on the outcome of the election or who will win which war, but literally on God, no matter what the outcome. I’m putting all the marbles on Love winning, maybe or maybe not in the short run, but ultimately.
“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Is. 40:31
Watch. Wait. Soar.