I’m in an interim time. A loved one is ill. The anchors of our country, like truth and honor, are at risk. My faith is changing, deepening, which is a wonderful thing, but sometimes it takes my breath away. Somehow this year feels important, but I don’t know what it holds.  
Yet I’m strangely peaceful…and comforted by these passages from John O’Donohue’s blessing, “For the Interim Time.”   

“As far as you can, hold your confidence. 
Do not allow your confusion to squander 
This call which is loosening 
Your roots in false ground, 
That you might come free 
From all you have outgrown. 

What is being transfigured here is your mind, 
And it is difficult and slow to become new. 
The more faithfully you can endure here, 
The more refined your heart will become 
For your arrival in the new dawn.”