Which makes me think of my book, “A Pocketful of Seeds.”
(“You should get a copy!” she exclaimed shamelessly. www.debbieljohnson.com.)
OK, back to first person.
If you need a lift from the darkness of winter (or a tough season of life)…or new ideas for helping your fellow humans…or fresh ways to express your devotion to God, consider this. Metaphorically, you have a pocketful of seeds waiting to be sown. Fruit-bearing requires seed-sowing. The book, which is about sowing seeds of change into the soil of the world, gives daily ideas for doing so.
Right now, I’m looking at our perennial garden. It’s still a bunch of gray-brown stalks sticking through patches of snow. It’s dormant, but dormant doesn’t mean dead. It’s waiting.
I believe God’s into gardening, planting seeds of change into us. We, in turn, can plant seeds of change into the soil of the world. We don’t have to sow everyone’s seeds, just the ones God has chosen for us.
What’s the Gardener saying to you? Maybe he’s getting excited about the new life to come for you and through you.
I know one thing is true. Life awaits those who sow their pocketful of seeds.