I’m reading a book called The Myth of Normal. (Great title…and such a relief for those of us who often have to swim upstream.) Anyway, the book’s about the body/mind connection. TheRead More…
The Suffering Amongst Us
I think we rarely know everything about everyone in our lives. That’s why we need to be gentle with each other. For most of us, life is a mixed bag. For some,Read More…
Notes on Change
“I used to pray that God would feed the hungry, or do this or that, but now I pray that he will guide me to do whatever I’m supposed to do, whatRead More…
Thinking Differently
The other day I found myself feeling negative about all the negativity in the world. Then I laughed. “You can do better than that, goofball,” I said to myself (with self-love, ofRead More…
Things I Don’t Know
THINGS I DON’T KNOW As the saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know. But I know I don’t know A LOT. Recently I discovered that St. Augustine was African (bornRead More…
Who’s On Your Wicked List?
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and willRead More…
There’s a lot of buzz around a revival that has started at Asbury University in Kentucky as well as the “He Gets Us” commercials, but some people are skeptical. Critical even. (“We’llRead More…
Notes from My Journey
Seems I’m always on a journey of some sort, even if I don’t leave Castle Rock, Colorado. These journeys are internal. Here are notes from my current one. I purposefully got ridRead More…
Love Takes Work
In May of 2007, there was a white supremacist rally in Knoxville, TN. About thirty supporters showed up, along with about sixty protesters. The protesters had decided to get creative. They arrivedRead More…
I’ve been reading Love Matters More: How Fighting to Be Right Keeps Us from Loving Like Jesus by Jared Byas (Zondervan). Byas recounts the story about three blind men bumping into anRead More…