This past weekend I went to the Principles First summit. It’s based on sixteen principles any American would have considered almost boringly obvious ten years ago. Here’s a sampling.
1. Integrity, character, and virtue matter.
2. Every person has dignity, quality, and worth.
3. Truth, honesty, rationality, and facts are non-negotiable.
4. The Constitution and the rule of law are paramount.
Need I point out how shocking these words are today?
You might have heard that Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys, and his pals were in the building Saturday. They were trying to get to the J6 capitol police who were speaking. The next day, we had to evacuate because of a pipe bomb threat, purported to have come from Tarrio. It was scary, but here’s something scarier. I know people who side with him.
What has happened?
Ephesians 6 says that this struggle isn’t just against flesh and blood, but against the “powers of this dark world.” But it also tells us what to do–to put on the full armor of God so we can stand firm. The belt of truth. The breastplate of righteousness (moral integrity and protection). And today, shoes of the readiness that comes with the gospel of peace.
I was just with over a thousand people who have tied on the shoes of readiness. The reason? Not to carry a political banner. It was a mixed group and I saw zero political banners. Zero. It was to stand firm for righteous principles.
I find it beyond belief that we have to fight for them.
But we do.
So we are.