Sometimes we take such a short view. We think current events are…current, but it seems we’re watching history repeat itself. What we’re seeing in our country right now occurs around the world all the time. (There’s nothing new under the sun…) It just hasn’t happened to us.

And sometimes, we form hair-trigger opinions about things before we find out the facts.

And sometimes, we get hung up on the wrong things. Political shenanigans, for example, seem to be a much bigger focus than the fact that 25,000 people die of hunger and related causes EVERY DAY. (

And sometimes, we’re hypocritical. I don’t think we can be offended by a mockery, then turn around and give a pass to a mocker.

And sometimes, we want what we want without regard for others. Some want a Christian nation, but wasn’t our country largely founded on freedom of religion and separation of church and state? So ironic.

We need to take a big breath. We need to remember history and adjust a thing or two. We need to watch and wait before weighing in on every little thing too soon. We need to look inside first. Again, quoting Wormwood. “Ensure the patient continues to believe that the problem is “out there” in the “broken system” rather than recognizing there is a problem with himself.”

Notice I’m saying “we.” I’m just wondering if it would do us good to pause and adjust the binoculars. I wonder what Jesus is focusing on right now…